Manuale di architettura d’interni. Vol.5. Il negozio


Manuale di architettura d’interni. Vol.5. Il negozio

Author: Riccardo Salvi
Publisher: Franco Angeli Edizioni
Printed in Italy
Date: September 2013
ISBN: 9788820443665
Softcover, 160 pages

The fifth volume in the series of books dedicated to interior architecture addresses the theme of store design, meant as physical places for the trade of economic goods. There are numerous store types, more or less articulated and developed, ranging in all areas of sales from food, clothing, furnishings and so on. All of them have in common the priority need to attract customers and to increase sales. For this purpose, products must be displayed in order to appear desirable. Commercial spaces must convert the time of purchasing necessary goods to a pleasant experience, to give into the acquirer the desire to return. Store design must therefore focus on these primary functions and express them through architecture, technological features and furnishings. This text is a guide containing the basic notions to illustrate how design concepts should be constituted by elements that build an organic whole in which architectural details must be coordinated, in order to achieve a coherent unit that manifests an overall idea of architecture, to achieve – in a precise trajectory – the advocated goal.
